Winter Surfing in Cornwall – it is the best time!
Well it’s been the warmest winter since I’ve been alive and I’m now officially old and grey. The waves a have been pumping down here in Cornwall and we are yet to put on our hoods and gloves!
Not only does winter produce more consistent swell but it also produces lovley quiet non-crowded beaches!
For a keen (possibly obsessed) surfer, the winter really is the best time to go surfing in Britain. We have still been running lessons on weekends and getting in for a surf everyday ourselves.
The honest truth is, we are normally warmer paddling around in our winter wetsuits than the people taking a stroll on the beach.
The getting changed before and afterwards is the worst part, but then again it is only a matter of minutes. We don’t mind a quick, slightly cold, change and that’s why we chose Ireland as this years end of season Kingsurf trip.
Ireland did not disapoint. Great people, great waves and Guinness!

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